Monday, September 16, 2013

Halloween is near!!!

Halloween is near so i have decided to run a crochet along in Secret Yarn Society which is a facebook group i admin. It is for a 25 block Halloweenghan and includes all of the Halloween blocks i have come up with over the years. I will be adding all my original patterns to my Ravelry shop I have decided to release one of the Halloween squares here for my fans. It was inspired by the Frankie Potholder by Cindy Cave and i call it FRANKENSQUARE!!!!!!!

6in FrankenSquare
H Hook
Worsted weight yarn:
ch 1 at beg not a st
Head: measure after the 2nd row and make sure the piece is 6in in length and adjust hook as needed if it is not 6in
ch 24
1. sc in 2nd ch and each across, turn
2-21. ch 1, sc across, turn
finish off green at end of row 21.
  1. Attach black with sc, drop down and dc in top of the 2nd st of row 20 (drop st) ,* sc, drop st in row 20, repeat from * across and end with a sc in the last st

23-24. ch 1 sc in each st across, turn finish off at end of row 24
Here you have some choices to make. You will notice in my photo that my facial features are large and cover the entire square leaving no room for a mouth and little room for additional details like stitched wounds or whatever else you may wish to add. If you want to add additional details i would recommend that you use a smaller hook (F or G) and crochet tight.

With black, chain 23.
1. dc in 4th ch from hook, dc each ch across, do not finish off leave black for later use
Attach white yarn with sc, crochet 8 sc, ch 1 turn, leaving rest of black unworked.
2. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc 5, sc dec in last 2 stitches, turn (7).
3. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc in last 5, turn
4. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc in last 4, turn
5. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc, sc dec in last 2 stitches finish off
For 2nd eye skip two black stitches and attach white yarn with sc , crochet 8 sc to end of black row.
2. ch 1 sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc 5, sc dec in last 2 stitches, ch 1, turn (7).
3. ch 1, sc in first 5 stitches , sc dec in last 2 stitches, turn
4. ch 1, sc in first 4 stitches , sc dec in last 2 stitches, turn
5. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc, sc dec in last 2 stitches finish off
To add nose, attach green with sc in between eyes, sc in next sc
2. ch 1, 2sc in each stitch, ch 1, turn
3. ch 1, 2sc in first st, sc 1 in next 2 stitches, 2sc in last st, turn
4-6. ch 1, sc in each st across, turn
7. ch 1, sc dec in first 2 stitches, sc in next 2 stitches, sc dec in last 2 stitches, turn
8. ch 1, sc, sc dec, sc, finish off
Now pick your black yarn back up chain 1 and sc in the end of every row of the eyes and nose putting a 2sc in every rounded corner to prevent puckering connect to the other side with a ss and then finish off.
The pupils are also your choice since i do not know how big your facial features may be. If you are good at embroidering then i recommend you embroider pupils, if you and not so good at embroidering like me you can crochet pupils by starting with a magic ring and adding 6 sc.
Now just sew the face to the square and you have yourself a FRANKENSQUARE!!!

1 comment:

  1. So fantastically fun and amazing, thank you so much for sharing! My husband is a horror movie freak and watches a horror movie every day in oct. Even though I'm new to crochet you've inspired me to make him an afghan for his 31 days of horror. An undertaking that seemed so daunting before now is exciting and fun!!
